What is Swap Fee? PU Prime Swap Fees explanation.
A Swap Fee also known as “rollover fee” is charged when you have open trades position overnight. The swap fees would be calculated according to the following 3 factors:
- Your Position Size
- The interest rate for the product that you are trading in (Different rates for each product)
- Whether your position is long or short
It is important to take note that swap fees would be charged for all our products except for futures market.
Attention: The swap fee will be charged if positions remain open in accordance to our server time GMT+2 /GMT+3 24:00 hrs. respectively as our market closing time follow US market session [End of 1 trading day cycle].
There is a 3-day swap fee for the different product on different day: (These products would not incur charges over the weekends)
- Wednesday: Forex, Gold and Silver
- Friday: Oil, Indices, Commodities, Shares and ETF-C
PU Prime offers four types of accounts, Standard account, Prime account, Cent account involved with swap fees charges and Islamic account also known as a Swap-Free Account are charged with an administration fee.
For more information, may refer to : What account types does PU Prime offer?